Hey fit nation, Happy new month of august! I wish you all a fulfilled month.
My post today is dedicated to folks who want to build muscles without
visiting the gym; I will be sharing different variations of the push up exercise
to help you build muscles from the comfort of your home.
The Push up exercise is an
effective exercise for building the upper part of the body; it targets your
arms, chest, and core, serving as one of the most efficient body weight movements.
Below are different variations of the push up exercise that works for
me and how to perform them correctly.
-Wide Grip Push up: This is the common push up program. It is performed
by starting out in a prone position with your hands on the floor (palms facing
the floor); both hands a bit wider than your shoulder width, while in that
position push yourself up until your arms are fully stretched and then go down
until your chin is inches from the floor. Repeat this process for as many reps
as you can; Make sure to move every part of your body simultaneously with your arm,
See illustration in the video below.
Remember to inhale as you go down and exhale and you rise up
-Close Push up: The Close grip push up is performed in the same manner
as the Wide grip; the difference here is that you need to bring both hands as
close as possible. However the close grip push up is more effective for
building the triceps. Watch video below to see how to do the close grip push up
- Declined Push up: Declined push ups are good routines for building
more mass around the chest region. It is performed by lying face down with both
hands on the floor and your lower body stretched out. Place both feet on an
elevated plane (Chair, box etc).Push your body up until your arms are stretched
out and then go down until your chin is inches from the floor. See Video
illustration below.
-Weighted Push up: The weighted push up is performed in the same manner as
the normal push up, however when doing a weighted push up someone has to place a
weight on your back. You can place a barbell
plate or have your kid or spouse sit on your back as you perform this routine.
In this video I had a truck tire placed on my back...
-Spider man push up: Spider man push up targets the core. To perform the
spider man push up; do a normal push up but raise one knee toward the elbow of
the same side as you rise (like Spider man climbing a wall). Switch knees with
each rep.
Push ups are interesting home workout and they build muscles as well. There are many more variations of the push up
program but like I said earlier these ones work for me; no equipment, no iron just sweat and muscles. Try them out as well and have fun
all the way.
Cheers to the fit life.