Monday, 7 December 2015


Hi people, since this is officially my first post on this blog, I will like to  address an issue that has been on my mind for a while, which is "our attitude towards health and fitness in Nigeria", I hope this inspires someone out there to start off on the fit path. happy reading share your views on this with me, i will be glad to read from y'all.

      In 2011 the World Bank report put the life expectancy in Nigeria at 52 years (the 17th lowest globally), asides poverty and the poor infrastructural condition in the country, one of the major factors that contribute to the low life expectancy in Nigeria is; our attitude towards health and fitness.  
Many of us are carried away with the ‘busyness’ of the day and cannot afford to waste a few minutes to take care of our bodies while some of us are either too lazy or  too overfed to undertake any physical exercise; a lot more don't even know the health benefits of exercise and fitness.

       However, over the past few years a lot of people are beginning to understand the relationship between physical exercise, dieting and life expectancy. 
Research works have proven over and over again that the value of physical exercise is priceless.
It will interest you to know that diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity and most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by physical exercise, even aging can be slowed down by physical exercise too. 
The other day  I watched a video on you tube where a 105-year old man ran 100 meters in 42 seconds; I bet that many teenagers can’t beat this record at their current level of fitness.  
         No matter your age, size or condition, it is not too late to start pursuing physical fitness and enjoying the benefits that come along with it. 
 Choose to start your journey to fitness today and make fitness a part of your lifestyle.

        To  those who are already practicing fitness, it’s time to start preaching fitness  to everybody around us;it is worth the message,you might save a life by simply introducing him/her to fitness!

Cheers to the fit life!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The Stayfit9ja blog was created to encourage those struggling with weight loss;body building and achieving general fitness. 

    I'm sharing my fit-story with the world to inspire those who need motivation to start on this path and to  also change the common belief that achieving fitness is difficult,boring and demanding.

 I signed up to the fit life ten years ago, I was off and on at first but over the years through dedication and hard work, I have evolved and achieved a lot of my fitness goals.
 However,the journey just began for me because on this path there is no perfect destination;you are guaranteed of the rewards for your hard work but there is never a point where you achieve "perfect fitness"; there is always room to better yourself.

    My desire is to help you achieve your fitness goals whatever they are; I will continually give practical tips that will help readers of this blog pursue their fitness goals effectively.
 I have devised simple but effective workout programs that concentrate on different muscle groups in the body and I will be sharing them here frequently. 
If you are ready to travel with me on this path; tighten your seat belt because the path is rough and tough but the reward is worth ten times the effort.

      It's time to live our dreams,people; it's time to evolve;to be more;to do more and be great, it's time to stand up and be counted for a reason. 

Do feel free to comment and share my posts with your loved ones, family and friends.

Cheers to the Fit life.