Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The Stayfit9ja blog was created to encourage those struggling with weight loss;body building and achieving general fitness. 

    I'm sharing my fit-story with the world to inspire those who need motivation to start on this path and to  also change the common belief that achieving fitness is difficult,boring and demanding.

 I signed up to the fit life ten years ago, I was off and on at first but over the years through dedication and hard work, I have evolved and achieved a lot of my fitness goals.
 However,the journey just began for me because on this path there is no perfect destination;you are guaranteed of the rewards for your hard work but there is never a point where you achieve "perfect fitness"; there is always room to better yourself.

    My desire is to help you achieve your fitness goals whatever they are; I will continually give practical tips that will help readers of this blog pursue their fitness goals effectively.
 I have devised simple but effective workout programs that concentrate on different muscle groups in the body and I will be sharing them here frequently. 
If you are ready to travel with me on this path; tighten your seat belt because the path is rough and tough but the reward is worth ten times the effort.

      It's time to live our dreams,people; it's time to evolve;to be more;to do more and be great, it's time to stand up and be counted for a reason. 

Do feel free to comment and share my posts with your loved ones, family and friends.

Cheers to the Fit life.


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