Friday 14 April 2017



     Exercise and nutrition are the cheapest, safest, most effective and sustainable means of weight loss. Other methods like the use of pills or fat reduction surgeries are more expensive, unsustainable and they might pose health hazards.
However, weight loss through exercise & nutrition is a relatively slower process; it requires consistent efforts over a period of time. It takes lots of patience and discipline; there is no quick fix.

      To lose weight, you have to understand that consistent persistence is the key. Let’s briefly consider these 2 words ‘Consistent & Persistence’ as they relate to weight loss.
Consistency means making efforts daily towards your chosen goal; your efforts have to be consistently progressive towards your desired results because if your efforts are not pushing you towards your goal you’ll hit a plateau and ultimately give up.
Persistence is the ability to stay put when it hurts so badly, when the results haven’t showed up; when the odds are against you. Keep exercising and eating healthy to reach your desired size. It might take weeks or months or years but if you don’t give up, I promise you, it won’t get easier but you will become stronger and the results will come anyways!
Consistent persistence works not only in fitness but in every facet of life. 
Consider this adage “it’s not what you do often that changes your life but what you do every day”.

Happy Easter & Cheers to a FIT you!

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