Sunday 30 July 2017


   It was all sweat,smile and fun yesterday (Sat 29th July) as the streets of AGO palace way Okota stood still for the 'PALACE WAY 5KM HIIT RUN/WALK'.  Being the first time a fitness event of this magnitude held in the locality, residents came out in mass to run AGO and those that couldn't run came out to support participants.

Here are pictures from the RUN which started from AGO roundabout through to AGO bridge and back to Nobis Event Center. 

Participants before the RUN

Getting Ready for start off

Ready to RUN AGO

Police ensuring safety of participants during the RUN

A Participant on the move

The MD of Nobis Events Center presenting the Winner his Cash Prize

CEOs of & SF9 fitness outfit with the 1st Runner up

MD of Zidora groups and wife presenting the 2nd Runner up with his cash prize
     The first 10 participants also went away with Shopping Vouchers from Shop rite.


 The Ladies were not left out in the give away. the first 5 ladies also went away with cash prizes

Cross section of the top 5 ladies with the MD of Chuks Williams LTD(1st on the Right)

Thank you to the 5KM HIIT Team for pulling this off

More Photos and videos on our FB page;

A Big thank you to our Sponsors; Zidora Groups, Goal Water, Nobis Events Center & Chuks Williams LTD.
Also thank you to the Ago division of the Nigerian Police force & Federal Road Safety Corps for ensuring security and safety of the participants during the Run.

The Palace Way 5KM HIIT RUN/WALK was put together by SF9 FITNESS OUTFIT &

Tuesday 18 July 2017


Hello Fitnation,

I’m super excited to inform you that last Saturday, the  Stay fit 9ja fitness outfit signed a partnership deal with an event management company ‘’ to host a Fitness event tagged 'PALACE WAY 5KM HIIT RUN/WALK'. The 5KM run which will hold in AGO palace way Okota Lagos is open to everyone.

“We intend to use this event as a platform to sensitize the public on the importance of fitness as it relates to health and general well being. Since this is the first time such an event is holding in the vicinity, we invite all residents of the community and its environs to come out and participate. It will be a platform to exercise, meet people around, connect and have lots of fun”. 

To make the event juicier for our participants, we are giving away Cash Prizes to the first 3 participants to grab the finish line; there will also be gift vouchers for the first 10 participants and lots of freebies for other participants too.
The Cash Prizes up for grabs for the different categories of winners are:
1st PRIZE; ₦30,000.00
2ND PRIZE; ₦15,000.00
3RD PRIZE; ₦10,000.00
Registration for this event is currently on-going and free for anyone who wants to participate.
However, contestants must register for the event on or before 28th July 2017 to be eligible for the prizes.
To register for the Run, click Register

Other information about the event:
DATE; 29TH JULY 2017

Please read the Terms & Conditions of participation below:

  • ·         Participants must be properly dressed in sport gears including footwear
  • ·         Participants must register before 28th July to receive Number Tags on the day of the event.
  • ·         Participants who do not register will not receive Number Tags and will not be eligible to win the prizes indicated above.
  • ·         Registered Participants must be at the Take off Location 20 Mins before takeoff time to get their Number Tags
  • ·         If you have any health challenges, please check with your doctor before registering for the Run.
  • ·         Participants who cannot run the distance are advised to Walk. If you haven't been running prior to this event, do not try to outdo yourself.

·         There will be on ground Medical team/First Aid administrators to take care of any injuries or emergency during the Run. There will also be a water depot at strategic locations to keep participants hydrated throughout the Run.

The 5KM HIIT RUN is proudly sponsored by Zidora Groups, NOBIS Events Place & Center and Goal Water.

CEO & yours sincerely

Wednesday 5 July 2017



The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Fear is a very strong emotion; man has been able to conquer the earth but he is yet unable to conquer this emotion which is the cause of all of his discomforts. Fear is the reason why men sojourn through life accomplishing nothing worthwhile.
 I encountered an incidence that gave me an insight to how fear works and I will like to share this incidence to bring ‘the fear factor’ into better perspective.
A few weeks ago, I was heading home from my morning jog when I saw two young boys walking to school, the older one was about 7 years while the younger was between 3 to 4 years old, I was behind them and didn’t take interest in them until we got to a path where a goat was grazing, the older one walked past the goat, while the younger one stopped and started crying.                                
  I got interested so I stopped walking and stood to watch the scene. The little boy wouldn’t move past the goat that was obviously harmless, his elder brother after waiting for a minute had to come back and pull him to continue their walk to school. As I watched this incidence I asked myself 'what exactly made this little kid scared?' For sure, it wasn’t the goat because the goat didn’t attack him or his elder brother.
 It dawned on me that it was the image this kid had in his mind that was causing his fear; it wasn’t reality that made him afraid because the goat did not attack his elder brother that walked past it and it won’t attack him either.  This is exactly how fear works, we paint the picture of an event in our mind and we become scared of this image- Think back to times when you felt fear - what were you really scared of? Was it the main event or just the graphics you had in mind?
Our fear of these graphics we paint in our mind becomes so great that they either makes us stagnant or we move backwards; just like the little kid in the story I shared, this fear circle repeats itself every time you try something new whether it’s in your relationships, fit life, career or whatever. 
The best way to overcome your fears isn’t to fight them; you can’t win the battle - because what you fear are mere imaginations.  Your aim is to go out and do the exact thing you are afraid of and then do it over and over again until the fear disappears completely; that’s how you win your fears.
To better illustrate this, let’s relate it to your first driving experience;  before  you sit behind the wheel ready to move the car, your mind starts drawing all  possible negative outcome of driving a car;  It even reminds you of people you know who have encountered  accidents  while driving, so you get scared and nervous.  After driving the first time, the experience gets less scary. The fear continues to decline with everyday you practice, until it gets to the point when you do not even have to think about it anymore, you just pick up your car key and drive.  Another amazing thing you notice is that your driving skill improves as your fear decreases. -Fear can only be conquered by doing what you are afraid of.
   Relating this to fitness, Everybody wants a good body; everybody wants to stay fit and in shape, but when it comes to doing what is required; fear sets in and most people would rather remain out of shape and unhealthy than face their fears.
For you to be a champion, make a firm resolve to always go out and do those things you are scared of. When you do it, you recognize that your fear was baseless in the first place. As you challenge yourself in this regard, you start seeing life through the lens of the fearless, you begin to see challenges as opportunities to grow and be better.  
You are no longer held down by fear, you feel them but you don’t live them. 

Start facing your fears and start living  your life.

Cheers to the fit life.